Related links

European institutions

European Monitoring Centre for Drug and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

Exchange on Drug Demand Reduction Action (EDDRA)

Evaluation Insturments Bank (EIB)

Prevention and Evaluation Resources Kit (PERK)

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

National Collaborating Centre for Drug Prevention (NCCDP), United Kingdom

Elisad European Information Service on Alcohol, Drugs and Addictions


Hungarian institutions

Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour

Ministry of Health

National Center for Epidemiology

National Public Health and Medical Officiers Service


National Institute for Drug Prevention – SZIP Database

National Institute of Addiction

KéK PONT, Blue Point Drug Counselling and Outpatient Center




Reitox National Focal Points


Austria: österreichisches Bundesinstitut für Gesundheitswesen (Austrian Health Institute – öBIG)

Belgium: Institut Scientifique de la Santé Publique / Wetenschappelijk Instituut Volkgezondheid (Scientific Institute of Public Health)

Bulgaria: National Center for Addictions

Cyprus: National Council on Drugs – Cyprus National Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction

Czech Republic: Secretariat of the National Drug Commission Office of the Government of the Czech Republic – Czech National Focal Point for Drugs and Drug Addiction

Denmark: Sundhedsstyrelsen (National Board of Health)

Estonia: National Institute for Health Development – Estonian Drug Monitoring Centre (EDMC)

European Commission: The European Commission – Justice and Home Affairs: Drugs Co-ordination Unit

Finland: Sosiaali ja terveysalan tutkimus ja kehittmiskeskus- National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health

France: Observatoire Franais des Drogues et des Toxicomanies (OFDT)

Germany: Deutsche Referenzstelle für die Europische Beobachtungsstelle für Drogen und Drogensucht (DBDD)

Greece: University Mental Health Research Institute (UMHRI)

Ireland: Drug Misuse Research Division, Health Research Board

Italy: Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Dipartimento per gli Affari Sociali, Ufficio per il coordinamento delle attivita di prevenzione e recupero delle tossicodipendenze (Prevention and Rehabilitation Activities Coordination Unit, Department for Social Affairs of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers)

Latvia: The State Addiction Agency – Ministry of Health

Lithuania: Ministry of Health – Drug Control Department under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania

Luxembourg: Réseau Luxembourgeois d”Information sur les Stupéfiants et les toxicomanies (Luxembourg Information Network on Drugs and Drug Additions)

Malta: National Focal Point on Drugs and Drug Addiction

Netherlands: Trimbos-instituut (Netherlands Institute of Public Health and Addiction)

Norway: Statens institutt for rusmiddelforskning (Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research – SIRUS)

Poland: National Bureau for Drug Prevention – Ministry of Health

Portugal: Instituto da Droga e da Toxicodependncia – IDT (Institute for Drugs and Drug Addictions)

Slovak Republic: General Secretariat of the Board of Ministers for Drug Dependencies and Drug Control

Slovenia: Institute of Public Health

Spain: Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (National Plan on Drugs)

Sweden: Folkhalsoinstitutet (National Institute of Public Health)

United Kingdom: Sexual Health and Substance Misuse Policy – Department of Health