What kind of prevention programmes are there in Hungary?
The national data collection aiming at mapping prevention programmes identified 253 organisations dealing with addiction prevention (as well), operating between 2013-2015. From those currently 194 organisations run their own prevention programmes (i.e. objectives and methods are homogenous in each target group). One third of the service providers can be found in Central-Hungary (Budapest and Pest county). 7-8 service providers by county are at present in the rest of the country. most of the service providers (85%) run prevention programmes as part of their main activity which is mostly treatment and care, other supporting or training/educational activity. The majority of the organisations (70%) are NGOs. Local governments and budgetary institutions also represent a relatively high rate (24%). For profit organisation only run 6%. The organisations most often run 1, on average 1,8 and a total of 139 prevention programmes or interventions. The study describes 115 interventions in detail. The number of the programmes operating directly in the final target group is 96. 37 of these programmes run in Budapest and an average of 24 programmes run by county currently in Hungary. 21% of the known prevention interventions contact their target groups in the school setting only. Other 49% do so inside and outside the school as well. Almost half of the programmes are implemented in schools, quarter of them (24%) in the target population’s own setting too. The interventions mainly target the youth of 14-18 years.
What kind of universal programmes are there in Hungary?
The KAB-ME-15 project offered grants for health promotion and health education interventions in the school setting and in collaboration with participants of the local community, in line with the National Anti-drug Strategy 2013-2020 document, with a total amount available of EUR 505,500 (1 EUR=309,69 HUF). Of the 298 grant applications submitted, 119 were awarded funding to the amount of EUR 499,107. (EMMI 2016) 20% of the winning applications implemented universal prevention programmes in school or community settings.
What kind of selective prevention programmes are there in Hungary?
Approximately one third of the winning programmes of the KAB-ME-15 project – in accordance with the stipulations of the grants – are viewed as selective prevention, which designated target groups such as those living in state care, in penal institutions, those living in socially disadvantaged neighbourhoods, as well as homeless young people and pregnant women. Almost all of the programmes realised in family settings dealt with the relatives of substance users.
As their financing is provided for 1 year in the framework of the grants, the long-term operation of the programmes is questionable.
A proportion of the party service programmes may be classed as selective prevention, the majority of them, however, deal with harm reduction, therefore their detailed description can be found in the Harms and harm reduction Workbook.
What are the most recent environmental prevention measures in Hungary?
In 2011 the extension of the legal regulations relating to new psychoactive substances represented a significant change at national level, A government decision was made and legislation drawn up in order to set up and introduce generic control. Eliminating the legal distribution of these new psychoactive substances is an important element of the process.
The National Crime Prevention Council was set up by Government in 2011. Its most important task was to create the National Crime Prevention Strategy. The Strategy determines crime prevention targets for ten years, until 2023. Among the key priorities of the Strategy child and juvenile crime prevention is also included, one area of which is the prevention of addictions, alcohol and drug prevention.